Free Smart Tools
to Help You Learn About and Improve Your Nonprofit's Operational Effectiveness — Fast

Nonprofits want more funding. Funders want more confidence before they give — and that comes from demonstrated operational competence.

OpX360® provides fast, convenient assessments designed to help nonprofits evaluate and improve their operational competence.

• Covers all 6 areas of nonprofit operations
• Identifies the top 3 items to improve now
• Free and easy to use

These valuable online smart tools — worth more than 395 per assessment — are now available from The Capin Center for Nonprofit Excellence at no charge as part of our commitment to supporting the nonprofit community.

Get Started

Do You, Your Board, or Your Funders Struggle With Knowing How Well Your Nonprofit is Actually Performing?

You are not alone. When it comes to getting an objective view of your organization's operations, many nonprofit executives and board members are too close to judge. One of the hardest parts is learning where the gaps are and what to do about them.

In minutes, you can know the level of your operational competency and what you need to do next to level up.

OpX360 will help you quickly identify your operational competency levels and provide recommendations on the path to operational excellence. All at no cost.

What will I learn?
  • Your competence level

  • Why it's important

  • Your 3 most important fixes

Who is this for?
  • C-level executives

  • Board members

  • Funders

What’s included?
  • Your OpX360 score
  • Two executive reports

  • Free subscription

What’s next?
  • Take the survey

  • Make improvements

  • Increase donations

How Confident Are You?

The good news is that you can now quickly identify your operational competency gaps and what needs to be done next. OpX360 combines nonprofit best practices into a smart, convenient online assessment tool to help you determine your nonprofit's operational competency level and the top three steps you can take to improve it.

Complimentary OpX360 Assessments for the Six Areas of Nonprofit Operations

The free OpX360 assessments can be taken individually or together, depending on your organization's needs. Each OpX360 survey module includes 60 Best Practice statements based on proven industry standards to help you determine your nonprofit's competence in that operational area, understand why competency in that area is important, and learn how you can make improvements. The six practice areas are:

Finance & Accounting
Governance, Legal & Risk Management
Fundraising, Marketing & Communications
Program Management & Accountability
People & Organizational Development
Business Systems, IT & Facilities

Who is Best Suited to Take
the Different OpX360 Surveys?

Take OpX360 and Improve your Operational Competence

This survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, CFO, Treasurer, or person responsible for Finance & Accounting.

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This survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, CDO, CMO, or person responsible for Fundraising, Marketing & Communications.

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This survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, legal counsel, or person responsible for Governance, Legal & Risk Management.

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This survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, COO, Program Director, or person responsible for Programs & Accountability.

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The survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, COO, CHRO, or person responsible for People & Organizational Development.

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This survey is intended to be taken by your CEO, COO, CIO, or person responsible for Business Systems, IT & Facilities.

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Easy 3-Step Process to Improvement

OpX360 was designed for nonprofit professionals by nonprofit professionals. Each complimentary survey was created to deliver valuable insight and useful recommendations. Follow these three simple steps:


Take the Survey

Take any of our six free, online best practice surveys to learn how well your nonprofit is performing now and what you need to do next to level up. Relevant and convenient for any nonprofit, regardless of size or sector.


Review Your Results

Within minutes, you will receive a C-level Executive Briefing to share with your board or leadership and a comprehensive Detailed Report for the individuals responsible for that area of operations. The reports will include your top three most important items to improve first.


Make Improvements

Now that you know which areas of your operations need improvement, you can either do it yourself or we can connect you to vetted industry experts and prequalified products and services to help you solve your most immediate and important challenges in the most effective and efficient way.

"Over a week, our leadership team went through process improvement training. However, the beauty of OpX360 is that it requires no training and, in minutes, you have a clear understanding of what practices need your attention and a plan on how to do that. "

Bruce Johnson

Nonprofit President and Leadership Advisor

What Deliverables Do You Receive?

Within minutes of completing your complimentary assessment, you will receive an Executive Briefing to be shared with your leadership and board plus a 70+ page Detailed Report for the individuals or team responsible for that specific area of operations.

Each report includes a score you can measure and work to improve, plus information on your organization’s current level of operational competency in key areas, why it’s important to address any issues, and the three most important areas to focus on first.

What's Your Score?

Would you invest a little time to impress your board and capture larger donations? According to a survey of over 3,200 individual givers, 64% of donors want to give more but don't have the confidence that nonprofits will do what they say they will do.

Demonstrating your nonprofit's operational competence can make for a happier board and encourage your donors to increase their gift size or giving frequency.

Gain Useful, Valuable Insight — At No Cost

Nonprofits with higher levels of operational competence give funders more confidence. Funders with more confidence give nonprofits more funding. With OpX360, you can gain helpful, valuable insight with just the investment of your time.

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does an OpX360 survey take?

If you intend to complete the survey in one sitting, please allow up to 60 minutes. You can pause at any time and receive an email with a link to restart the assessment where you left off. There is no time limit.

After completion, what will the final work product look like?

Within minutes of completing each complimentary survey, you will receive an Executive Briefing designed to be shared with your leadership and board and a 70+ page Detailed Report addressing all 60 Best Practice statements for the individual or team responsible for the specific area of operations.

How long can I access each OpX360 survey?

After enrolling, you will have access for as long as it takes to complete the survey, on any device. And with our free unlimited subscription, you can retake the free assessment as many times as you like to check your progress and demonstrate improvement.

Who authored each of the OpX360 surveys?

Each OpX360 survey was developed by and for nonprofit leaders and practitioners, their funders, and recognized experts serving the specific area of operations, and overseen by an advisor from The Center.

What is The Capin Center for Nonprofit Excellence?

The Capin Center of Nonprofit Excellence is an orchestrated network that brings nonprofits, funders, and vetted industry experts together in a community where accepted best practices are encouraged and learned and nonprofit operating performance is improved.

As part of our commitment to operational excellence within the nonprofit community, we are pleased to make all six OpX360 assessments — valued at over $395 each — available free of charge.


We've paid consultants many thousands of dollars in recent years... OpX360 provided us with more focused feedback, recommendations, and actionable steps for improvement than our consultants ever have.

Jim McKee, CPA & Nonprofit Leader

High-Value Insight Available at No Charge

Nonprofits need to be wise stewards of the funds entrusted to them. As part of our commitment to the nonprofit industry, we are pleased to provide these comprehensive, high-value smart tools at no charge so you can access useful insight and practical steps to help improve your organization’s operations.

What Makes OpX360
So Different?

OpX360 is like an expensive consulting engagement without the cost or weeks of discovery involved. Until now, the only real option was to have a subject matter expert conduct a formal assessment. Aside from being very disruptive, taking months to complete, and costing thousands of dollars, the results are always limited by the subject matter expert's expertise and firm size. With OpX360, you can know today and with objective certainty — for free.

Best Practices

Surveying your competence against prescribed industry standards takes all the guesswork out.

Peer Reviewed

Each survey was developed and reviewed by and for working practitioners and professionals.

Take the Next Step

Ready to take the next step in assessing and improving your nonprofit's operations? Take any or all of our convenient online OpX360 assessments at no cost.

Get Started

Please contact us online.

A member of our team will respond as soon as possible.